Information for new wildlife volunteers

If you have recently joined Wildcare, or are considering joining, you will find below links to documents to help you on your journey to becoming a wildlife volunteer.
It is essential that all wildlife volunteers have a thorough understanding of their obligations when dealing with protected species.

Wildcare Volunteer Manual
Our Volunteer Manual sets out information on how the wildlife volunteer sector operates as well as information about Wildcare. It includes detailed information on our comprehensive training program as well as the procedure to obtain a Permit Authorisation through Wildcare.

Easy Reference Sheet – Becoming a Wildlife TRANSPORTER
Easy Reference Sheet – Becoming a Wildlife RESCUER
Easy Reference Sheet – Becoming a Wildlife CARER
Easy Reference Sheet – Becoming a HOTLINE OPERATOR
Easy Reference Sheet – Becoming a Wildlife RELEASE SITE

Online Release Site Application Form – complete this form to site up as a release site
These Easy Reference Sheets set out the requirements for some of the most common facets of wildlife volunteering.  Regardless of how much time you have, there is always some way each of us can contribute towards helping our local wildlife.

Code of Practice for Sick, Injured or Orphaned Protected Animals in Queensland.
The Code of Practice is the Queensland legislation which sets out the standards to which all wildlife volunteers must adhere.

Guideline – Rehabilitation of sick, injured and orphaned protected animals – Conditions and restrictions
The Guideline sets out important information from the Department of Environment and Science regarding how protected wildlife are dealt with in Queensland.

Wildcare Safety Management Manual
Important information on safety standards for undertaking volunteer wildlife work.  The SMM contains detailed information on attending different rescue scenarios which must be adhered to, to ensure compliance with permit and insurance requirements.

Rehabilitation Fact Sheets

We have put together an information sheet for the most common species of wildlife which are rescued and rehabilitated in South-east Queensland.  These sheets provide an overview of the training, permit and facilities required for each. We trust that these will provide guidance to new volunteers in choosing the species they would like to get involved in rescuing and caring for.

Caring for Bandicoots and Small Mammals
Caring for Bats
Caring for Birds
Caring for Echidnas
Caring for Gliders
Caring for Koalas
Caring for Lizards
Caring for Macropods
Caring for Possums
Caring for Snakes
Caring for Turtles


Wildcare Education and Training Information

Current Education Calendar
The Wildcare Education Program is currently published every 4 months.   Please refer to the Calendar for current Covid-19 restrictions.

Training Manual – Caring for Orphaned Mammals
File size 8MB

This manual contains an introduction to caring for orphaned joeys and other mammals.  It is designed to be read in conjunction with other species-specific training manuals produced by Wildcare.  The manual is designed for licensed wildlife carers and others within the wildlife sector.

Training Manual – Rescue and First Aid for Native Wildlife 
This manual contains a comprehensive overview of the rescue and emergency care of sick, injured and orphaned wildlife found in South-east Queensland.  The manual is two parts – a large main manual as well as individual easy reference sheets on a variety of wildlife species.   The manual is designed for licensed wildlife carers, veterinary staff and others within the wildlife sector.

Part 1 – Rescue and First Aid for Native Wildlife (Size 15MB)

Part 2 – Species Information Sheets (Size 1MB – 3MB each)


Easy Reference Sheets

We have created a series of information sheets on a variety of wildlife-related topics.

General information sheets for wildlife transporters, rescuers and carers
Acronyms and Abbreviations commonly used in Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation
Rescue & Triage Quick Guide
Wildlife Apps
Wildlife Emergency Contacts
Wildlife Supplies
Wildlife Permits in Queensland
Mental Health Awareness in the Wildlife Industry
Release Aviary Trailer Protocols
Emergency Care of Ducklings and Waterbirds
Non-Native and Hybrid Species
Rescuing Domestic Birds
Rescuing Domestic Reptiles
Dealing with Deceased Animals
Breeding Mealworms
Keeping Live Food for Feeding Wildlife
Milk for Marsupials
Use of ProN8ure in Hand-raised Marsupial Joeys 
Use of Humane Possum Traps
Use of Humane Brush Turkey Traps

Ringtail Possum Dreys
Possum Box Instructions
Use of Injured Wildlife Images on Social Media
Social Media Policy
Media Policy
Use of Wildlife for Media Purposes
Harvesting Browse and Fruit for Wildlife
Dead Animal Collection tag (A4)
Flighted bird rescues using a wire dog crate 

Information sheets for junior members and school/community group activities
Wildlife Activities for Junior Members
Wildlife Thank You Cards
Community and School Talks

Sewing patterns
Instructions – Making Joey Pouches
Instructions – Large Wallaby Rescue Bag
Instructions – Rescue Basket Cover  (Updated Feb 2022)
Instructions – Rescue Basket Liner
Pattern – Rescue Basket Cover (full-size to scale) (Added Feb 2022)

Infographic Posters

Below are a range of infographic posters on different species available for download. Print Ready files are high resolution CMYK for printing purposes. These are large files and may take a few seconds to download. Web Ready files are lower resolution RGB files for social media use only. Please feel free to share these infographics as an educational tool to raise awareness on the plight of our wildlife.

Print Ready

Baby Birds – Fledglings
Blue-Tongue Skinks in backyards
Brushtail Possums – Exudative Dermatitis
Brush Turkeys – Living with them in your Backyard
Bush Stone Curlews and their nesting habits
Bush Stone Curlews – Hanging out in Strange Places
Ducklings in pools
Feeding Ducks
Echidnas on the move
Echidnas (Juveniles) – When do they need our help?
Feeding Wildlife
Feeding Black Swans
Joeys on the ground
Koalas – Breeding Season
Lorikeet Paralysis Syndrome
Magpie Protective Parents
Plovers nesting in strange places
Puggle Season – Baby Echidnas
Reptile Eggs
Rodenticide Secondary Poisoning
Swooping Magpies
Tawny Frogmouths – nestlings and fledglings
Turtles Crossing Roads
Wedge-tail Shearwaters
Wildlife and Roads
Pouch Check Series #1 – Male or Female?
Pouch Check Series #2 – Inside the Pouch
Pouch Check Series #3 – Removing a Joey from the Pouch
Wildlife Rescue Kit 
Wildlife and Dogs
Wildlife and Cats


Web Ready

Baby Birds – Fledglings
Blue-Tongue Skinks in backyards
Brushtail Possums – Exudative Dermatitis
Brush Turkeys – Living with them in your Backyard
Bush Stone Curlews and their nesting habits
Bush Stone Curlews – Hanging out in strange places
Ducklings in pools
Feeding Ducks
Echidnas on the move
Echidnas (Juveniles) – When do they need our help?
Feeding Wildlife
Feeding Black Swans
Joeys on the ground
Koalas – Breeding Season
Lorikeet Paralysis Syndrome
Magpie Protective Parents
Plovers nesting in strange places
Puggle Season – Baby Echidnas
Reptile eggs
Rodenticide Secondary Poisoning
Swooping Magpies
Tawny Frogmouths – nestlings and fledglings
Turtles Crossing Roads
Wedge-tail Shearwaters
Wildlife and Roads
Pouch Check Series #1 – Male or Female?
Pouch Check Series #2 – Inside the Pouch
Pouch Check Series #3 – Removing a Joey from the Pouch
Wildlife Rescue Kit
Wildlife and Dogs
Wildlife and Cats

Collecting Browse for Wildlife

Collecting browse is an integral part of caring for many species of mammals and birds. If you are a carer of any of these species, please read this document thoroughly to ensure you understand how and where to cut browse in a sustainable manner.
*Note – this is a large file – please allow a few minutes for it to download.

Collecting Browse for Wildlife


Wildcare Wildlife Series Brochures

Below are links to information brochures produced by Wildcare on various wildlife topics.

Helping Baby Native Birds
Wildlife and Pets
Homes for Wildlife
Feeding Wildlife


Wildcare Forms for Members

Listed below are links to various forms which Wildcare members may need whilst undertaking their wildlife volunteer activities.

Membership Application Form
Please download, complete and email to us at or post to PO Box 2379 Nerang Qld  4211.
The quickest way to join is via the online link on our website  –  JOIN HERE

Merchandise Order Form
Online order form for Wildcare shirts, safety vests and other items.  Items only available for purchase by current Wildcare members.

Rescue List Application Form
For use by Wildcare members who have completed the Rescue and First Aid for Wildlife workshop and who are ready to start wildlife rescues.
The link above will take you to an online form.  Please complete all details in full so that our Rescue Coordinator can add you to our Rescue List.
Please note this is for Wildcare members only.

Request for Permit Endorsement – General Species
For use by Wildcare members who have completed the necessary workshops and training and wish to become a registered wildlife carer with Wildcare.   The General Species form includes common species of birds, mammals and reptiles.
Note – this form has been updated to an online form as at June 2021.

Request for Permit Endorsement – Specialised Species
The Specialised Species form relates to species such as koalas, echidnas, venomous snakes and some species of birds.
Note – this form has been updated to an online form as at June 2021.

Wildcare Policy – Permit Endorsements
Wildcare Policy – Policy for Issuing Specialised Permits
Permit Information Sheet
The relevant Wildcare policies on issuing Permit Authorisations are included above which provide detailed information on the procedures used to assess and issue permits.

Wildcare Asset Conditions & Agreement
This document outlines the conditions of borrowing Wildcare assets.


Rescue/Carers Records, Telephone Records

For use by Wildcare members to maintain data on all wildlife rescued and cared for.  Maintaining and submitting records regularly is a requirement of having a Wildcare Permit Authorisation.

Wildcare Records Form (2024 and prior records) (Excel Workbook)
Wildcare Records Form – 2025 (Excel Workbook)
Wildcare Records Form (Excel 1997-2003 version)
Records Info A: Records Guidelines (May 2012 version) (PDF file)


Rescue Forms, Progress Charts and Veterinary Forms

Rescue Record Form – General
This form is also available for purchase in a book of 50 with a duplicate sheet to help wildlife rescuers record all animals rescued.

Koala Rescue Form
This form is used designed specifically for use with koala rescues.

Species Specific Rescue Forms
The templates below have been designed to assist wildlife carers in the accurate assessment of sick and injured wildlife.  These forms are more comprehensive than our general Rescue Record Form listed above and are species specific.

Small Mammals (Bandicoots, Small Carnivorous Marsupials)

Rehabilitation Charts and Record Sheets
The following forms have been designed for specific species to record the animal’s treatment plan.

Reptile Rehabilitation Chart
Lorikeet Rehabilitation Chart
Daily Medication Record Sheet
Orphan Record Form

Veterinary Forms
Veterinary Information Form
This template can be used by veterinary clinics who accept wildlife from the community.

Recheck Admission Form
This form is used by wildlife carers when admitting an animal to a wildlife hospital for a re-check appointment.


Legislation for Queensland Wildlife Rehabilitators

Included below are links to various legislation which Queensland wildlife volunteers should be familiar with.

Animal Care and Protection Act 2001
Code of Practice for Sick, Injured or Orphaned Protected Animals in Queensland
Nature Conservation (Animals) Regulation 2020


Wildlife links – South-east Queensland

Included below are links to organisations and entities involved in the wildlife rescue and rehabilitation in South-east Queensland.

DES Website –
Currumbin Wildlife
Australian Wildlife


Support for Wildlife Volunteers

Included below are links to non-profit organisations which provide support to wildlife volunteers.

Two Green Threads –
Not-for-profit organisation established specifically to support wildlife volunteers.  Includes a variety of webinars, podcasts and other resources to support and wildlife rescuers and carers which are all provided free of charge.  We recommend signing up to their regular newsletter and following them on social media.

Black Dog Institute –  National Emergency Worker Support Service – NEWSS
Provides free, confidential mental health support for wildlife volunteers.


Wildcare Policies

Wildcare Rules of Association
Fundraising Guidelines
Fundraising Application Form
Fundraising Event Procedure
Anti-Gossiping Policy
Bullying Policy
Display Material Policy
Displaying Wildlife
Grievance Policy
Termination of Membership Policy
Venomous Snake Policy
Wildlife Events
Computer Acceptance Usage Policy